How easy it is to connect with new people

Let's be frank. No matter how professional you are, to be successful in life, you need connections and acquaintances. And it's fine if you connect with new people easily and it doesn't cause you consternation or confusion. But there are many people for whom making new acquaintances is a challenge. A little advice we want to share with you can help you meet people more naturally and easily.

As we said in our article about the 30-second rule, all brilliant things are simple. Hundreds of books written about communication and sociability may give you everything, but they may not do you any good. That's why we recommend that you try one more little rule that will allow you to easily make contact with a stranger.

All of us are in love with ourselves. Some more, some less. This is normal and natural. And it's hard to argue with the fact that we are pleased when people are genuinely interested in our lives. Now let's move on to some advice.

When you first meet someone, don't be lazy to write down the most important information about him in your phone or notebook. It could be his wife's name, his favorite hobby, the soccer team he cheers for, his favorite food. Anything at all. This simple tip will help you earn any man's trust and good attitude.

When you don't agree with your opponent, don't start a verbal argument. Simply ask to imagine a hypothetical situation in which your or your opponent's scenario is chosen, and think together about what it would entail. "You say we should offer people this opportunity. Now let's imagine what our campaign will end up looking like." It's at moments like this that defensive reflexes go out and logic kicks in. Not for everyone, of course, but for reasonable people for sure. What is the result? You offered your own solution to the problem and avoided a fight.

After all, agree, "How's Dasha?" instead of the formal and awkward "How's your...wife?" already sounds much nicer. At your next meeting ask how your interlocutor's favorite team played or how many new rare stamps he found during that time. Little things like that will have a powerful impact on your relationship and make you someone different from the rest of the gray mass of new acquaintances.

These kinds of notes are easiest to take on your phone. Any modern smartphone has an "Add a Note" function in the phone book.

This rule will really have an impact on meeting new people and on your life in general. It's hard to rely on your memory for everything. And you are unlikely to be able to remember such small information about each person. So entrust this task to your phone and watch how new acquaintances change your life.

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